ESS-ERIC organized the first country briefing for Bosnia and Herzegovina for Survey round 10. The virtual meeting with ESS-ERIC representatives was held on Wednesday, 9th December 2020 from 11:00 to 17:00. Representatives of ESS-BiH research network, which is coordinated by CREDI, presented our progress in joining ESS-ERIC and in preparation of ESS Round 10 in our country.
At the beginning of the meeting, WBESS project coordinator, Mr. Nenad Calarevic, provide an overview of the process of BiH in joining ESS and how WBESS supported this process. During the meeting, ESS-ERIC representatives presented the most important steps in organizing and conducting the survey and provide floor for asking questions and discus all relevant topics. These include presentation of national coordinator team, introduction to ESS and Core Scientific Team (CST), communication and dissemination of results, translation of questionnaire, GDPR and DPA, sampling, fieldwork organizing and monitoring, as well as data and metadata preparation and processing.
ESS in BiH will be conducted by ESS-BiH research network, composed of major universities, and coordinated by CREDI. National focal point for Bosnia and Herzegovina is our director, Nermin Oruc. More about ESS-BiH can be found here, while photos from the meeting can be found in the gallery below.